Effects of thermal annealing on the emission properties of type-II InAs/GaAsSb quantum dots

Yu An Liao, Wei Ting Hsu, Pei Chin Chiu, Jen Inn Chyi, Wen Hao Chang

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43 Scopus citations


We report the effects of thermal annealing on the emission properties of type-II InAs quantum dots (QDs) covered by a thin GaAs1-x Sbx layer. Apart from large blueshifts and a pronounced narrowing of the QD emission peak, the annealing induced alloy intermixing also leads to enhanced radiative recombination rates and reduced localized states in the GaAsSb layer. Evidences of the evolution from type-II to type-I band alignments are obtained from time-resolved and power-dependent photoluminescence measurements. We demonstrate that postgrowth thermal annealing can be used to tailor the band alignment, the wave function overlaps, and hence the recombination dynamics in the InAs/GaAsSb type-II QDs.

Original languageEnglish
Article number053101
JournalApplied Physics Letters
Issue number5
StatePublished - 2009


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