Effect of potassium substituted for A-site of SrCe0.95Y0.05O3 on microstructure, conductivity and chemical stability

Chi Liu, Jian Jia Huang, Yen Pei Fu, Chuan Li, Jian Yih Wang, Shyong Lee

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

16 Scopus citations


The chemical stability of potassium substituted for A-site of SrCe0.95Y0.05O3 specimens was examined under CO2 atmosphere treated at 600 °C and further analyzed by X-ray diffractometer to see their CO2-resisted capabilities. According to thermodynamic data, the Gibbs free energy of CeO2 was lower than that of SrCO3 at the temperature of 600 °C. Thus the formation of CeO2 might be faster than that of SrCO3 in SrCeO3- based materials under CO2 atmosphere. Unfortunately, the chemical stability of SrCe0.95Y0.05O3 materials in CO2 atmosphere was reduced with increasing potassium-substituted amount. The microstructures of Sr1-xKxCe0.95Y0.05O3 sintered specimens were identified using field emission scanning electron microscope. The conductivity in moisture H2 atmosphere (RH 30%) was increased with increasing potassium-substituted concentration. The conductivity reached a maximum of 0.0081 Scm-1 at 900 °C for Sr0.95K0.05Ce0.95Y0.05O3 sintered specimens in moisture H2 atmosphere (RH 30%). Potassium substituted for A-site of SrCe0.95Y0.05O3 could improve the conductivity but not CO2-resisted capability.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2948-2954
Number of pages7
JournalCeramics International
Issue number2
StatePublished - 1 Mar 2015


  • Ceramics
  • Defects
  • Electrical properties
  • X-ray diffraction


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