Effect of heat treatment on the microstructure and mechanical properties of the consolidated Mg alloy AZ91D machined chips

Horng Yu Wu, Chang Chuan Hsu, Jen Bin Won, Pin Hou Sun, Jian Yih Wang, Shyong Lee, Chui Hung Chiu, Shan Torng

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25 Scopus citations


Influence of heat treatment on the properties of the consolidated AZ91D Mg alloy chips was performed in this study. The chips were pressed into a die to form a compact with a green density of 1.6 g/cm3. The 50-mm diameter green compact was then extruded into a 20-mm rod at 350 °C. The extruded rod was solution treated at a temperature of 415 °C for 24 h; the solution treated specimens were then aged at two temperatures: 170 and 215 °C. Heat treatments were conducted to explore the microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of the extruded rod. Heat treatments revealed that the age hardening effect was related to the transformation of the microstructure. Over aging during age heat treatment was believed to be caused by the formation of a lamellar structure composed of alternating layers of Mg17Al12 phase and magnesium matrix.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)4194-4200
Number of pages7
JournalJournal of Materials Processing Technology
Issue number8
StatePublished - 21 Apr 2009


  • AZ91D Mg alloy
  • Age hardening
  • Lamellar structure
  • Solid-state recycling


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