Direct and indirect measurements of flame surface density, orientation, and curvature for premixed turbulent combustion modeling in a cruciform burner

S. S. Shy, E. I. Lee, N. W. Chang, S. I. Yang

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25 Scopus citations


This paper analyzes experimentally the Bray-Moss-Libby (BML) model and the flame surface density (Σ) transport equation using premixed flames propagating through isotropic turbulence in a new cruciform burner and, thus, makes the analogy in both cases for the first time. The burner consists of a long vertical vessel that provides a downward propagating, lean premixed C3H8/air flame and a horizontal vessel. The latter is equipped with a pair of counter-rotating fans and perforated plates at each end to generate nearisotropic turbulence between two perforated plates. Visualization of turbulent flame fronts is obtained from high-speed laser sheet imaging. Several hundred runs at the same experimental conditions are carried out to obtain sufficient images in the central uniform region that are then processed to extract flame wrinkling length (Ly), flamelet crossing angle (h), Σ, flame front normal vector, curvature, etcetera. It is found that Ly is much smaller than the integral length scale in the unreacted turbulence, suggesting that the BML model needs a precise closure for Ly. The overall mean cosine value of θ(=σy) is 0.62, very close to 0.65 measured in liquid flames (Shy et al. 1996), revealing that σy is not influenced by thermal expansion. Symmetric distributions of Σ in the c¯ space are observed for both analyses of the BML model (indirect) and the Σ equation (direct), in which both values of Σ are comparable. Concerning the Σ equation, the propagation term is negligible and the curvature term has three different modes: (1) mainly negative, (2) positive/negative, production at the reactant side and destruction at the product side, and (3) mainly positive. Unlike liquid flames (the first two modes are equally important, each ∼45%), mode 2 is the major mode (∼70%) for present gaseous premixed turbulent flames. These results suggest that the curvature term is strongly influenced by thermal expansion.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)383-390
Number of pages8
JournalProceedings of the Combustion Institute
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2000
Event30th International Symposium on Combustion - Chicago, IL, United States
Duration: 25 Jul 200430 Jul 2004


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