Dimensional accuracy in quick plastic forming of aluminum alloy using demolding mechanism

Chin Wei Liu, Shyong Lee, Dean Chou, Shu Han Hsu, Chun Lin Chu

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


This study focuses on quick plastic forming (QPF), product dimensional tolerances, and removal methods. The traditional curled metal shell mold in QFP, has limitations such as long process time and unstable quality. Therefore, this investigation designed a demolding mechanism, in order to improve the process efficiency and dimensional accuracy of QPF, in the manufacture of metal casings. The research results show that the proposed mechanism can significantly decrease the process time, because it replaces most of the operations of specimens movement after forming completely. The shorter process time reduce the die temperature loss during operation, thus also improving the efficiency by eliminating the need to wait for the die to return to its operation temperature. In terms of dimensional tolerance, the tolerance grade of QPF process was determined using the standard deviation, and found to be between IT10 and IT14. This range covers the scope of CNC cutting and stamping processing, indicating that the process has commercial value in the production of metal casings, because the current mainstream manufacturing process of metal casings comprises casting, stamping and CNC machining.

Original languageEnglish
JournalAdvances in Mechanical Engineering
Issue number6
StatePublished - 2021


  • IT tolerance
  • Quick plastic forming
  • cell phone
  • demolding mechanism


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