Developing real-time nowcasting system for regional landslide hazard assessment under extreme rainfall events

Yuan Chang Deng, Jin Hung Hwang, Yu Da Lyu

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

8 Scopus citations


In this research, a real-time nowcasting system for regional landslide-hazard assessment under extreme-rainfall conditions was established by integrating a real-time rainfall data retrieving system, a landslide-susceptibility analysis program (TRISHAL), and a real-time display system to show the stability of regional slopes in real time and provide an alert index under rainstorm conditions for disaster prevention and mitigation. The regional hydrogeological parameters were calibrated using a reverse-optimization analysis based on an RGA (Real-coded Genetic Algorithm) of the optimization techniques and an improved version of the TRIGRS (Transient Rainfall Infiltration and Grid-based Regional Slope-Stability) model. The 2009 landslide event in the Xiaolin area of Taiwan, associated with Typhoon Morakot, was used to test the real-time regional landslide-susceptibility system. The system-testing results showed that the system configuration was feasible for practical applications concerning disaster prevention and mitigation.

Original languageEnglish
Article number732
JournalWater (Switzerland)
Issue number5
StatePublished - 1 Mar 2021


  • Landslide
  • Optimization
  • Real-time nowcasting system
  • Xiaolin village


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