Design and analysis of the planetary gear drive with flexible pins for wind turbines

Shyi Jeng Tsai, Siang Yu Ye, Yuan Yi Yu, Jui Tang Tseng

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

5 Scopus citations


The aim of the paper is to propose an analysis approach for designing and analyzing the flexible pin mechanism for planetary gear drives in wind turbines. A planetary gearbox with flexible pin design developed by ITRI/Taiwan for 2MW wind turbine is analyzed in the paper. The influences of the design parameters of flexible pin mechanism on the tilt of the planet gear are systematically studied by using the machine design software KISSsoft, and the results are also compared with FEM. The load sharing among the planets and the stress distribution on the flanks of the mentioned gearbox are analyzed by using an analytical approach and FEM, respecttively. The results show the design of the flexible pin mechanism can effectively reduce the uneven load sharing and also obtain a good load distribution on the flanks.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationEuropean Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition 2012, EWEC 2012
Number of pages10
StatePublished - 2012
EventEuropean Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition 2012, EWEC 2012 - Copenhagen, Denmark
Duration: 16 Apr 201219 Apr 2012

Publication series

NameEuropean Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition 2012, EWEC 2012


ConferenceEuropean Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition 2012, EWEC 2012


  • FEM
  • Flexible pin
  • KISSsoft
  • Load distribution
  • Load sharing


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