Dataset for cognition processes, motivations, spatial presence experience, and customer engagement in retail mobile apps

Angelina Nhat Hanh Le, Huong Xuan Ho, Dong Phong Nguyen, Julian Ming Sung Cheng

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Scopus citations


This article presents data for the estimation of a theory-driven dynamic and contingent model of customer engagement in the context of retail mobile apps. The data were collected from 558 participants who have installed at least one retail mobile app for a minimum of six months and have made relatively frequent purchases using the app. Customer-related data include participants’ interactivity and vividness cognitions, spatial presence experience, and engagement behaviors (i.e., customer purchases, referrals, influences, and feedbacks/suggestions) toward retail mobile apps. The data additionally include individuals’ tendency/motivation-related variables, such as need for cognition and domain-specific interest, which modulate customers’ cognitions as well as affective evaluations that are then followed by their actions. The authors collected the data from early May through mid-July 2020 in three major cities (i.e., Hanoi, Danang, and Ho-Chi-Minh) with leading positions in the Vietnamese eBusiness index. The presented data can be used to investigate the contingency model of driving factors of customer engagement in the context of retail mobile apps and improve the design and functionalities of mobile apps that foster embodied and embedded cognitions, facilitate the feeling of a “real” shopping experience, and ultimately encourage customers to actively engage and effectively contribute to participating retailers. For findings, discussions and further information, please refer to our recent research article: “Customer engagement in the context of retail mobile apps: A contingency model integrating spatial presence experience and its drivers” [1].

Original languageEnglish
Article number108198
JournalData in Brief
StatePublished - Jun 2022


  • Customer engagement
  • Domain-specific interest
  • Hierarchy-of-effects model
  • Interactivity
  • Need for cognition
  • Situated cognition theory
  • Spatial presence experience
  • Vividness


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