Comparison of interannual intrinsic modes in hemispheric sea ice covers and other geophysical parameters

Per Gloersen, Norden Huang

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72 Scopus citations


Recent papers have described 18-year trends and interannual oscillations in the Arctic and Antarctic sea ice extents, areas, and enclosed open water areas based on newly formulated 18.2-year ice concentration time series. They were obtained by fine-tuning the sea ice algorithm tie points individually for each of the four sensors used to acquire the data. In this paper, these analyses are extended to an examination of the intrinsic modes of these time series, obtained by means of empirical mode decomposition, which handles both nonstationary and nonlinear data as found in these time series, unlike filtering techniques based on Fourier analysis. Our analysis centers on periodicities greater than one year. Quasi-biennial and quasi-quadrennial oscillations similar to those observed earlier with a multitaper-filtered Fourier analysis technique were also observed here. The intrinsic modes described here feature frequency as well as amplitude modulation within their respective frequency bands. The slowest varying mode in the Antarctic sea ice cover has slightly less than a full period during this 18.2-year time period, but the change in sign of its curvature hints at a modal period of about 19 years, with important implications for the trend analyses published earlier.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1062-1074
Number of pages13
JournalIEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing
Issue number5 PART 1
StatePublished - May 2003


  • Geophysical measurements
  • Microwave measurements
  • Remote sensing
  • Sea
  • Sea ice


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