Characterization of dielectric barium titanate powders prepared by homogeneous precipitation chemical reaction for embedded capacitor applications

Jyh Ming Hwu, Wen Huai Yu, Wei Chun Yang, Yu Wen Chen, Yeh Yu Chou

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24 Scopus citations


Various articles have reported that a highly pure and uniform form of barium titanate can be prepared by homogeneous precipitation. However, most of these works emphasize the mechanism of thermal decomposition of barium titanyl oxalate tetrahydrate, and only a few have discussed morphology or particle size. The morphology and particles size of barium titanyl oxalate tetrahydrate are governed by reaction temperature, pH value and solvent ratio; the barium titanate structure can be obtained by calcinating barium titanyl oxalate tetrahydrate above 600 °C or hydrothermally in a basic solution at 200 °C. The final morphology of barium titanate in this investigation was similar to that of barium titanyl oxalate tetrahydrate and the particle size of barium titanate increased with the calcination temperature. Using this barium titanate in a polymer/ceramic composite provided better dielectric characteristics than commercial ceramic powders use in embedded capacitor applications.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1662-1679
Number of pages18
JournalMaterials Research Bulletin
Issue number10
StatePublished - 6 Oct 2005


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