Changes in the particulate organic carbon pump efficiency since the Last Glacial Maximum in the northwestern Philippine Sea

Pierrick Fenies, Maria Angela Bassetti, Natalia Vazquez Riveiros, Sze Ling Ho, Yuan Pin Chang, Ludvig Löwemark, Florian Bretonnière, Nathalie Babonneau, Gueorgui Ratzov, Shu Kun Hsu, Chih Chieh Su

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2 Scopus citations


Changes in bottom and pore water oxygenation over glacial – interglacial cycles have influenced the ocean's capacity to store particulate organic carbon regardless of its source, either the marine primary productivity or the continent-to-ocean transfer of terrestrial organic matter. In the Philippine Sea, east off Taiwan, despite being currently oligotrophic, the enhanced East Asian Winter Monsoon during the Last Glacial Maximum and the Heinrich Stadial 1 might have altered the nutrient budget in surface waters by providing nutrients from the Eurasian loess dust and deepening the vertical mixing, bringing nutrients from the nutrient-enriched Kuroshio Current subsurface waters to the surface. During the deglaciation, previous studies also suggest an overall weakening of the marine biological pump during the Heinrich Stadial 1, and the rise in sea level is expected to have led to a global significant decline in the ability of continents to bury their particulate organic carbon in marine sediments. However, changes in the continent-ocean transfer of terrestrial organic matter and on the marine biological pump around Taiwan remain poorly constrained. In the present study, we have thus aimed to reconstruct bottom – pore water oxygenation, past marine primary productivity and continental-ocean transfer of terrestrial particulate organic carbon to the ocean since the end of the Last Glacial Maximum, in order to better constrain the ability of marine sediments to capture atmospheric carbon over the past 20,000 years. To this end, sediment core MD18-3523 has been recovered from a levee of Hoping Canyon, north-east of Taiwan, in the Ryukyu forearc basin. The reconstructions were made possible by the application of multivariate statistics and transfer functions on benthic foraminiferal assemblages, by the measurement of total organic carbon concentration and by the investigation of chemical element ratios obtained from X-ray fluorescence (XRF). We observed a transition across the Bølling–Allerød and the Younger Dryas from suboxic-dysoxic bottom – pore waters during Heinrich Stadial 1 to oxic-suboxic during the Holocene, and revealed an increase in marine primary productivity during Heinrich Stadial 1 in all probability due to intensified East Asian Winter Monsoon winds. We have also identified periods of enhanced terrestrial particulate organic carbon transfer to the ocean driven by short-lived extreme events, most likely typhoons, during the Bølling–Allerød, at the beginning of the Early Holocene and the end of the Late Holocene, when the typhoon dynamics affecting Taiwan were intensified. Overall, these findings suggest an enhanced marine biological pump during the Heinrich Stadial 1 and an efficient carbon turbidity pump during the Bølling–Allerød, the Early and Late Holocene, contrasting with the western coast of Taiwan.

Original languageEnglish
Article number100223
JournalQuaternary Science Advances
StatePublished - Sep 2024


  • Benthic foraminifera
  • Bottom
  • Marine biological pump
  • Monsoon
  • Paleoproductivity
  • Pore water oxygenation
  • Turbidity pump
  • Typhoon


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