Cannot live without Facebook? An expectation confirmation model with the moderating effects of narcissism

Chih Hung Chou, Ya Wen Lin, Chien Hung Lin, C. K. Farn

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


Facebook provides an ideal channel for people to admire their own performance. People tend to show off themselves to others and confirming their feedback on Facebook. With behavior on Facebook, narcissism is now highlighted by many researchers. Hence, based on the expectation confirmation theory (ECT), our study looks into continuance Facebook usage behaviors. It explores the relationship between perceived feedback, confirmation, satisfaction, and continuance intentions, and most important of all, it examines the moderating effects of narcissistic traits on these relationships. Data are collected from 420 valid respondents through self-administered questionnaires. Results revealed that: (1) Continuance Facebook behavior intention is jointly influenced by perceived feedback and satisfaction, which in turn is determined by confirmation. Then, confirmation is influenced by perceived feedback; (2) Narcissism has the moderating effect on the relationships between feedback and confirmation as well as confirmation and satisfaction. Finally, interpretations and implication of these findings are discussed.

Original languageEnglish
StatePublished - 2017
Event21st Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems: Societal Transformation Through IS/IT, PACIS 2017 - Langkawi, Malaysia
Duration: 16 Jul 201720 Jul 2017


Conference21st Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems: Societal Transformation Through IS/IT, PACIS 2017


  • Continuance Intentions
  • Facebook Behaviors
  • Narcissism
  • Perceived Feedback


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