An intelligent mechanism for increasing the bandwidth utilization of Qos applications in ad hoc wireless networks

Chun Yuan Chiu, Yu Liang Kuo, Eric Hsiao Kuang Wu, Gen Huey Chen

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The increasing use of ad hoc networks for transferring multimedia applications such as voice, video, and data, leads to the need to provide QoS support. The provision of QoS relies on resource reservation. Precise estimation of remaining bandwidth is an essential part of resource reservation. However, it is difficult even if the ad hoc networks are static. This is because that the remaining bandwidth of each node is relative to the scheduling policy of the adopted MAC layer protocol and may be a probability distribution. In this paper, we first propose an estimation method of remaining bandwidth when the adopted MAC layer protocol is carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance (CSMA/CA). Since CSMA/CA is a contention-based MAC protocol, arbitrary transmission sequence (schedule) of flows is possible and the bandwidth utilization is inefficient. We propose an intelligent mechanism, called priority number, to avoid some inefficient schedules of CSMA/CA. By the aid of priority number, the remaining bandwidth of each node may be increasing and the bandwidth utilization can be improved.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1237-1243
Number of pages7
JournalWSEAS Transactions on Communications
Issue number11
StatePublished - Nov 2005


  • Ad hoc
  • Bandwidth
  • MAC
  • QoS
  • Schedule


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