An evaluation of SiGe/si HBT high efficiency power amplifiers for wide dynamic power control range application

Cheng Chieh Lin, Ping Chun Yeh, Hwann Kaeo Chiou

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

1 Scopus citations


This paper investigates three power amplifier circuit architectures for wide dynamic power control range application. These circuit architectures are the adaptive bias, classical Doherty and extended Doherty amplifiers which are implemented using TSMC 035μm SiGe HBT technology. These power amplifiers were designed in 2 GHz band over 70dB power control range. In order to compare the average power added efficiency (PAEAVG) of the full power control range in different architectures, all amplifiers were intentionally designed with the same device size and therefore obtained the same maximum output power. The PAEAvG of the adaptive bias amplifier is only 0.65% in the condition of 70dB power control range. The classical Doherty amplifier and four-ways extended Doherty amplifiers have been improved up to 2.04% and 3.78%, respectively. In contrast to the adaptive bias amplifier, the PAEAVG of classical Doherty and four-ways extended Doherty amplifier have remarkably been improved of 314% and 581%, respectively.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages4
StatePublished - 2004
Event2004 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems, APCCAS 2004: SoC Design for Ubiquitous Information Technology - Tainan, Taiwan
Duration: 6 Dec 20049 Dec 2004


Conference2004 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems, APCCAS 2004: SoC Design for Ubiquitous Information Technology


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