An automatic embedded device registration procedure based on the ogc sensorthings api

Chih Yuan Huang, Hsin Hsien Chen

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

5 Scopus citations


Sensor Web and Internet of Things (IoT) (SW-IoT) have been attracting attention from various fields. Both of them deploy networks of embedded devices to monitor physical properties (i.e., sensing capability) or to be controlled (i.e., tasking capability). One of the most important tasks to realize the SW-IoT vision is to establish an open and interoperable architecture, across the device layer, gateway layer, service layer, and application layer. To achieve this objective, many organizations and alliances propose standards for different layers. Among the standards, Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) SensorThings API is arguably one of the most complete and flexible service standards. However, the SensorThings API only address heterogeneity issues in the service layer. Embedded devices following proprietary protocols need to join closed ecosystems and then link to the SensorThings API ecosystem via customized connectors. To address this issue, one could first follow another device layer and gateway layer open standards and then perform data model mapping with the SensorThings API. However, the data model mapping is not always straightforward as the standards were designed independently. Therefore, this research tries to propose a more direct solution to unify the entire SW-IoT architecture by extending the SensorThings API ecosystem to the gateway layer and the device layer. To be specific, this research proposes SW-IoT Plug and Play (IoT-PNP) to achieve an automatic registration procedure for embedded devices. The IoT-PNP contains three main components: (1) A description file describing device metadata and capabilities, (2) a communication protocol between the gateway layer and the device layer for establishing connections, and (3) an automatic registration procedure for both sensing and tasking capabilities. Overall, we believe the proposed solution could help achieve an open and interoperable SW-IoT end-to-end architecture based on the OGC SensorThings API.

Original languageEnglish
Article number495
JournalSensors (Switzerland)
Issue number3
StatePublished - 1 Feb 2019


  • Internet of Things
  • Interoperability
  • OGC SensorThings API
  • Plug and play
  • Sensor web


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