Alteration autonomic control of cardiac function during hemodialysis predict cardiovascular outcomes in end stage renal disease patients

Chih Chin Kao, Chi Ho Tseng, Men Tzung Lo, Ying Kuang Lin, Chien Yi Hsu, Yueh Lin Wu, Hsi Hsien Chen, Feng Yen Lin, Chen Lin, Chun Yao Huang

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3 Scopus citations


Dialysis-induced hemodynamic instability has been associated with increased risk of cardiovascular (CV) mortality. However, the control mechanisms beneath the dynamic BP changes and cardiac function during hemodialysis and subsequent CV events are not known. We hypothesize that the impaired hemodynamic control can be prognostic indicators for subsequent CV events in end stage renal diseaes (ESRD) patients. To explore the association of hemodynamic parameters and CV events in hemodialysis patients, we enrolled ESRD patients who received chronic hemodialysis without documented atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease and hemodynamic parameters were continuously obtained from the impedance cardiography during hemodialysis. A total of 35 patients were enrolled. 16 patients developed hospitalized CV events. The statistical properties [coefficient of variance (standard deviation / mean value; CoV)] of hourly beat-to-beat dynamics of hemodynamic parameters were calculated. The CoV of stroke volume (SV) and cardiac index (CI) between the 1st and 2nd hour of dialysis were significantly increased in patients without CV events compared to those with CV events. Higher CoV of SVdiff and CIdiff were significantly correlated with longer CV event-free survival, and the area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve showed fair overall discriminative power (0.783 and 0.796, respectively). The responses of hemodynamic control mechanisms can be independent predictive indexes for lower hospitalized CV events, which implies that these patients who have better autonomic control systems may have better CV outcomes.

Original languageEnglish
Article number18783
JournalScientific Reports
Issue number1
StatePublished - 1 Dec 2019


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