A service-oriented approach for the pervasive learning grid

Ching Jung Liao, Fang Chuan Ou Yang, Kevin Chihcheng Hsu

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

8 Scopus citations


This work proposes p-Learning grid, a service-oriented approach, based on a pervasive learning grid, for solving difficulties associated with the sharing of learning resources distributed on different e-Learning platforms. The p-Learning grid not only enables collaboration and effective reuse of learning objects but also supports learning anytime, anywhere. Since the WSDL of web services remains poorly defined and has poor dispatch ability in service-level agreements for resource description, distributed resources can not be effectively managed, and service collaboration could not be achieved. Our grid service was generated based on web services and grid technology which support good descriptions of services and management mechanisms. The proposed p-Learning Grid is based on such grid service technologies as Globus Toolkit 3 [28], the Grid Services Flow Language (GSFL) [17], etc., along with mobile devices and relevant technologies for supporting a pervasive and collaborative system in which resources can be effectively managed and shared. This study used three self-developed learning platforms, integrated with GT3, to provide the grid engine used to implement the entire system. The experiment involved the creation of English learning objects accessible via Nokia, Sony Ericsson, and Motorola mobile phones.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)959-971
Number of pages13
JournalJournal of Information Science and Engineering
Issue number5
StatePublished - Sep 2005


  • Grid services
  • GSFL
  • Learning objects
  • p-learning grid
  • Pervasive learning


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