A nano-thick SOI fabrication method

C. H. Huang, J. T. Cheng, Y. K. Hsu, C. L. Chang, H. W. Wang, S. L. Lee, T. H. Lee

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


A nano-thick SOI fabrication method is proposed by a thermal oxidized silicon wafer with a polysilicon cladding layer as a device wafer. Hydrogen molecular ions were implanted by 4 × 1016 ions/cm-2 on the device wafer surface at energy of 160 KeV. After hydrogen ion implantation, the implanted device wafer was then joined to a Pyrex 7740 glass wafer as a handle wafer by anodic bonding process. The layer with polysilicon-oxide-silicon sandwich structure was successfully split from the device wafer and transferred onto the handle wafer after treated at a constant temperature, 200°C with irradiating by microwave with power of 500W for 10 minutes. From the simulation data, the thickness of the top silicon can be about 100 nm at the splitting off. This demonstrates a fabrication method of one-step nano-thick SOI materials without an additional layer thinning step.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages8
StatePublished - 2005
Event207th ECS Meeting - Quebec, Canada
Duration: 16 May 200520 May 2005


Conference207th ECS Meeting


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