A 2-D complex wavelet analysis of an unsteady wind-generated surface wave field

G. R. Spedding, F. K. Browand, N. E. Huang, S. R. Long

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35 Scopus citations


Nonlinear wave-wave interactions can be quite localised in space and an appropriate spectral analysis of such a wave field must retain this local phase information. To this end, the 2-D, complex wavelet functions 'Arc' and 'Morlet2D' can be used to decompose a wave field in space b and scale a. As both wavelets are Hardy functions, the transform result is complex, and the phase, φ, is defined over all b. Arc can be used to measure the energy of the wave field over b as a function of z.sfnc;k|, and the direction-specific wavelet, Morlet2D, can be used for the spatial energy distribution of k. Surface waves generated by unsteady wind have dislocations in phase that are widespread and persist until the initial wave field becomes disordered in appearance. While the energy at fundamental wavelengths (the wavelength of the initial instability) appears to saturate, the energy of the subharmonic component continues to increase with time. There appears to be significant energy in both modes, from early on in the life history of these organised wave fields. The energy of wavevectors aligned at a small angle off the mean wind direction vector (the including angle, α ≈ 20°) increases to become a substantial fraction of the total energy. The possible role of the pattern defects in local nonlinear mechanisms of energy transfer is discussed, and analogies are drawn with recent results in plane mixing layers. Techniques for the measurement of the complex dispersion relation, ω(k), and group velocity, Ug(k), utilising the local space-scale decomposition of the 2D wavelet transform, are proposed.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)55-77
Number of pages23
JournalDynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans
Issue number1-2
StatePublished - 30 Nov 1993


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