Taiwan Young Space Professionals Program.

Project Details


The development of the modern space ecosystem has a long history startingfrom geopolitical competition between the eastern and western blocs of the ColdWar, bridging geopolitical boundaries through the pursuit of scientific discovery,extending through the gradual commercialization and democratization of spaceservices and the modern New Space economy. From satellite navigation, weatherand environmental observations, geoinformatics, and communications, the use ofspace technology and space platforms now plays an ever-increasing role in modernsociety, even in countries without national space programs. Space technology,particularly as it pertains to Beyond 5G (B5G) Communications has been identifiedby Taiwan as an important economic opportunity, leveraging the traditionalstrengths of Taiwanese industry in contract electronics manufacturing and massproduction, as well as the growing importance of the aerospace and defensesector. Development, incubation, and growth of the public and private spacesectors in Taiwan requires a diverse array of talent familiar with the background,applications, and potentials of this sector, ranging from science and technology, topolicy making, and business. Being able to build, leverage, and participate inrelated international organizations and efforts will also strengthen Taiwan’s spacecapacity.To these ends, the first Taiwan Young Space Professionals Program (TYSPP)was held in September 2022, executed by a team led by the PI of this proposal.TYSPP was geared to instill students and young professionals across a wide rangeof disciplines with an understanding of policies, developmental background,applications, and future directions of public and private space efforts in Taiwan andon a global scale, using a hands-on approach. Four students were also selected torepresent Taiwan at the 2022 Asian Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum (APRSAF)annual conference and received additional training to understand attendinginternational forums and networking under a Track 1.5 approach. For the secondyear, we propose to continue the hands-on learning experience pioneered duringthe first year, while also working to incorporate feedback, as well as involve andmaintain connections with the first-year students. The program will continue toenhance connections between government, industry, and academic spacecommunities, while incubating a new generation of interconnected political,3business, and technical professionals with an appreciation and understanding ofspace technology, industry, and policy in Taiwan and globally.
Effective start/end date11/04/2315/12/23


  • Young Space Professionals Program


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