Subproj1: Lie Detection Using a Simultaneous Eeg-Fmri Approach

Project Details


Deception is one of the highest cognitive functions that have attracted manyattentions of scientists across multiple disciplines. Given the advent of functionalneuroimaging, in particular, the functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), theneural correlates of the deception have been widely studied for two decades. However,although the fMRI method gave consistent brain activations in response to thedeceiving processes, it has received quite a few critics from the peer researchers dueat least in part to the lack of sensitivity in the methodology and the partial coverage ofthe cognitive processes involved in the deception. With further advances in thefunctional neuroimaging technology, we propose to revisit the deception detectionproblem using a more integrated approach. The proposed works include multipleneuroimaging modalities, such as the simultaneous EEG-fMRI, along with peripheralmeasures (e.g., EMG), to provide both the temporal and spatial resolution at the sametime. Also, the currently most popular brain connectivity methods to find theinteraction among different brain networks will also be used to determine the totalityof the complicated cognitive processes, including the central executive/workingmemory functions, cognitive control, emotional regulation, etc., and their interactionin response to the deception. The advanced multi-modality neuroimaging techniquewill also be applied to other sub-projects for validation and further improvement.
Effective start/end date1/08/1731/07/18


  • simultaneous EEG and fMRI examination
  • deception detection
  • functionalmagnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)
  • electroencephalography (EEG)
  • multi-modalityneuroimaging


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