Studies of X-Ray Binaries and Their Compact Objects (I)

Project Details


X-ray binaries are important astrophysical objects to study the properties of neutron star and stellar size black hole, as well as the accretion mechanism for the close binary systems. Many properties of the X-ray binaries can be revealed by investigating their variability, whose time scale can be as short as less than 1 ms up to more than thousand days. Studying the variability of X-ray binaries allows us to understand different parts of X-ray binaries. A new generation of facility for X-ray timing, Neutron star Interior Composition Explorer (NICER), has been devoted into observation since mid of 2017. It is expected to open a new era for X-ray timing investigations. We propose using the data from NICER and other X-ray telescopes to study the variability of X-ray binaries, including the unstable periodic variations that can be resolved by Hilbert-Huang transform, such as quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs), superorbital modulation and oscillations form marginally stable nuclear burning on neutron star surfaces (called millihertz QPOs) and orbital and compact object parameter variations by flux modulations or pulsar timing. Furthermore, we also propose to participate an international project, Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST). Utilizing the unprecedented sky survey ability and the advantage of the location of the site, it is able to process the constantly monitoring the long-term variability of X-ray binaries in optical-infrared band. Combined with the monitoring light curves from X-ray band telescopes, we are able to further understand the natures of long-term modulations of the X-ray binaries.
Effective start/end date1/08/1831/07/19


  • X-ray binary
  • accretion
  • accretion disk
  • neutron star
  • black hole
  • Neutron star Interior Composition Explorer (NICER)
  • superorbital modulation
  • quasi-periodic oscillation
  • millihertz quasi-periodic oscillation
  • Hilbert-Huang transfer
  • pulsar binary
  • Large


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