Processes of High Energy Particle Production in Space Plasmas(2/3)

Project Details


The origin of high-energy particles (a.k.a. cosmic rays) in the universe is a long standing problem inastrophysics. Recent discoveries in the field of radio and gamma-ray astronomy have rekindled interestsin production and acceleration of cosmic rays in space plasmas. Observations in the radio, X-ray andgamma-ray band indicated that huge structure in the form of giant bubbles exists in the vicinity at thecenter of our Galaxy (similar structures occur in the center of other galaxies, in particular the active ones).Besides the observed gamma-ray flux in GeV continuum, the 511 keV annihilation line is also detected inthis region. All these high energy phenomena indicate our Galactic centre is highly active. Theseobservations show that cosmic rays are effectively accelerated nearby and far away as well from theGalactic plane. This put the standard picture of cosmic ray production by supernova remnants in theGalactic plane, which was developed in the 70s and the 80s of last century, as the unique description ofcosmic ray origin into question. Alternative processes of cosmic ray generation in the Galaxy are needed.The goal of our project is to develop and apply alternative processes of particle acceleration in spaceplasmas beyond the standard picture. We hope that base on the models we are able to find properinterpretation of new discoveries in astronomy.
Effective start/end date1/01/1631/12/16


  • cosmic rays
  • plasma
  • particle acceleration
  • supernova remnants
  • Galactic centre
  • Galactic halo


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