This project mainly focuses on the cloud and precipitation microphysics processes of the mesoscale convective systems (MCSs) associated with the invaded typhoons and Mei-Yu systems, and the mesoscale atmospheric environment (especially the evolution of low-level jet, thermal and dynamical atmospheric boundary layer structures and the moisture transport) using field campaign observations and numerical simulations. During a typhoon or Mei-Yu front passes over Taiwan, the evolution of raindrop size distributions and precipitating cloud microphysics, as well as mesoscale conditions and dynamical/physical mechanisms associated with heavy orographic precipitation will be investigated. For heavy rainfall cases, sensitivity tests of the planetary boundary layer parameterization, microphysics parameterization and terrain effects will be constructed using high-resolution WRF model. In addition, field campaign observations will be used to verify model simulation results. The above related physical processes for the development of heavy rainfall over Taiwan will be discussed using a combination of observations and numerical simulations. During TAHOPE2020 experiment (Taiwan-Area Heavy rain Observation and Prediction Experiment; Mei-Yu periods), we will investigate three kinds of low-level jets that could possible contribute to heavy rainfall over Taiwan (synoptic-system-related low-level jet/SLLJ, barrier jet, and marine boundary layer jet/MBLJ): (1) the interaction between these low-level jets and terrain, (2) the relationship between them and the Mei-Yu system, and (3) their impacts on the development and structure evolution of mesoscale convective systems associated with the Mei-Yu system and physical mechanisms of precipitation. In the past two project years, we have studied the climatological characteristics of marine boundary layer jets that affect Taiwan and the relationship between the boundary layer moisture transport and heavy rainfall over Taiwan, and published 3 SCI paper. In addition, for the observation analysis of raindrop size distributions and precipitation microphysics processes under different precipitation system and different season, we also have published 5 peer reviewed papers.
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 1/08/20 → 31/10/21 |
In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This project contributes towards the following SDG(s):