Lifetime Evaluation under Accelerated Aging Testing for Leds(1/2)

Project Details


This 2-years project will focus on studying the most efficient driving modes and the acceleratedaging testing method for the high power LEDs. It is based on our previous research results and to explorewith the fundamental issues about the strong nonlinear relations among the optic, electric, thermal andchromatic properties of high power LEDs. We expect to find the optimal driving paths with highefficiency for smarting lighting applications.So far, we have learned well about the strong coupling among the optic, the electric, the thermal, andthe chromatic properties of high power LEDs. One quantitative model has been established for the strongcoupling relation. Besides, the common aging model has also built up to practically lineate the luminancechange of LEDs as the time going. We also have verified that the LED can operate under the condition ofpractical low junction temperature simply by dynamically tuning the driving electric current. Therefore,we believe we have accumulated enough knowledge to develop the most efficient driving modes and theaccelerated aging testing method. In the first year, the analysis technology on the strong couplingdynamic system with multiple variables will be applied to find the efficient driving paths. Moreover, inthe second year, our common aging model will also be extended to the various operating modes andenable to identify the quality of LEDs in short testing duration. Finally, our new research outputs will bestrong bases for the new tends of development for the smart lighting and the internet of things in theshort future.
Effective start/end date1/08/1631/07/17

UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This project contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 5 - Gender Equality
  • SDG 7 - Affordable and Clean Energy
  • SDG 17 - Partnerships for the Goals


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