Boiler is the major source to provide the thermal energy, hot water, steam, and power generation for the manufacturing processes of modern industries, which is widely used in steam-electricity cogeneration plant, process heating of chemical industry, paper manufacturing industry, sterilization processes of food industry, dyeing processes of textile industry, cleaning processes of electronic industry, etc. Hence, how to develop a smart boiler that could improve boiler efficiency and reduce emissions via the feedback control is an important economic and environmental issue. This motivates the present proposal, an integrating industry-academic proposal, titled “Industrial Energy Saving and Application: New Boiler Combustion Technology and Feedback Control”. This integrating proposal aims to increase the overall efficiency of boiler by 1%, reduce NOx emissions to below 100 ppm (the standard to be implemented in 2020), and enhance the competitiveness of the cooperative company for developing products with greater commercial values. By integrating three sub-proposals, the specific plans to achieve the aforesaid goals are as follows. The first sub-proposal applies the PI’s long-term R&D speciality on lean premixed turbulent combustion technology, air/fuel rapid-mixing mechanism, swirling low NOx burner, combustion emission diagnostic technology, and more. Combining the second sub-proposal led by Prof. Yang, new heat exchangers are designed to promote the thermal energy conversion efficiency between flue gas and water. Moreover, we will develop flue gas recirculation and exhaust gas re-burning sub-systems. The third sub-proposal led by Prof. Tung will collect the signals obtained from the first and second sub-proposals to design a feedback control sub-system, such that the flow rates of air, fuel, and recycling exhaust flue gas can be adjusted time to time in order to assure that the hot water boiler could be operated at high efficiency and low pollutant emission conditions. Besides, an international cooperation with Prof. Sergey Minaev and his research team in Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU) Russia is proposed. The Russian team will provide us the porous Ni-Al material doping with a small amount of special elements using Self-propagating High-temperature Synthesis (SHS) processing method. The Taiwanese team will design a porous radiative burner and combine it with the flue gas recirculation sub-system, the innovative heat exchanger, and the feedback control sub-system to develop a novel hot water boiler. Such radiative porous burner can operate at super lean premixed condition, heating up the porous material to produce intensive thermal radiation with advantages of low NOx production, fast heating, low noise, and high burning efficiency etc. Thus, it is one of the best choices for the development of a new boiler. The expected result is to improve the boiler efficiency by 1%, which is equivalent to save 1% fuel. The proposed technology not only has economic feasibility but also commercial value, which is important for saving energy and reducing emissions. Finally, the project will be demonstrated in a newly-established Center for Clean Energy Teaching and Research at Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Central University.