Project Details
Rosetta spacecraft has already followed the comet 67P/Churyumov‐Gerasimenko for one and half years.Now the comet C‐G is on its way back out into deep space and then ESA will terminate Rosetta mission inthe end of September 2016. Since Rosetta arrived to comet C‐G in August 2014, Rosetta has been sendinga lot of data back to Earth. Fortunately, we have data access of the onboard instrument, OSIRIS, and wetherefore can publish some fresh results in 2015/2016. Results from the Rosetta mission to comet C‐G areleading to a revolution in our understanding of these ancient bodies, and hence the conditions prevalent inthe early Solar System. For the coming years, I will continuous use the OSIRIS data set for investigating thisrelatively new cometary science.In addition to the data from ROSETTA mission, the ground‐based observations to the other comets areimportant because they are easy to arrange and cost a few money compared to space mission. Theresulted data observed in the same ways from Earth can make a direct comparison between 67P and otherJupiter family comets and even the dynamically new comets. For building the comprehensive data, we planto use all the available facilities (LOT, JCMT, SMA, and CFHT) we have in Taiwan site and cooperate topeople who are in China, Germany, Spain and US (Lijiang, Xinglong, Calar Alto observatories, and TianMa,UH, VLT telescopes). Comet ISON and comet C‐G have been organized successfully in 2013 and 2014‐16,respectively. The new campaign named “Comets 4*P Campaign” from 2017 to 2019 will be focus on theshort period comets (i.e. 45P, 41P and 46P). The basic structure and goals of the campaign will be similar tothat for comet ISON and comet C‐G on organizing a coma morphology study by means of the betterlongitudinal coverage during the world.
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 1/08/17 → 31/07/18 |
- Comets
- Rosetta mission
- Ground‐based campaigns
- Jets
- Outbursts
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