Black Hole Physics: Holographic Duality and Applications

Project Details


Black hole physics has accomplished a significant development in the past decades. In particular, byapplying the holographic principle, one can study the dual conformal field theory (CFT) description for thenear extremal black holes, including rotating Kerr black holes and charged Reissner-Nordstrom (RN) blackholes or even more general Kerr-Newman black holes. In the past years, we have intensively studied thecase of charged black holes, focusing on the mechanism of pair production near the horizon, and alreadymade desirable progress. We generalized our investigation to consider the pair production, of both scalarand spinor fields, in the RN black holes. Our results provide a more deep understanding about the thermalproperties for the Hawking radiation and Schwinger effect. In the past year, we had finished our project onthe investigation of Kerr-Newman black holes. Currently we are considering more general black holebackgrounds, in particular for non-extremal cases. In such case, it is almost impossible to obtain the exactsolution to the field equations. However, we were aware the mathematical concept of monodromy and itsproperties may be able to help us to solve our problem. We are also trying to extend our work to the higherspin gravity. However, it takes more long time due to the notable difficulty of mathematical technique.The other development spotlights the phenomenological applications to, for example condensed matterphysics, and superconductor, via the corresponding gravitation setup. In the past years, we have developednumerical code to analysis the inhomogeneous systems, including Josephson junction in various dimensions.Based on the technique, we are going to study several interesting topics, in particular the vortices formationby magnetic field and its dynamical behavior. In the past year, we finished our investigation on non-lineartransport properties in holographic superconductor. Now we are focusing on the case of Josephson junctionwith a weak link case.Moreover, our research on the quasi-local energy (conserved quantities) for gravitation has achievedremarkable progress. The remained piece is about an appropriate physical choice of reference. We havesatisfactory results for spherically symmetric spacetimes, and currently we are working on the axisymmetricgeometries, especially for the Kerr black holes.
Effective start/end date1/08/1731/07/18


  • black hole
  • holographic principle
  • gravitation
  • pair production
  • higher spin gravity
  • superconductor


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