
Project Details


Global climate models have suggested that the frequency of thunderstorms and their intensity are likely to increase in the future. The first step is to clarify the relationship between faster updrafts, lightning frequency, and associated transient luminous events(TLEs). We should improve our understanding of cloud electrification through meteorology data. Using numerical weather models associated with TLEs observation, the meteorology parameters will enrich our knowledge of a severely convective system and accompanying lightning related to TLEs. With the aid of our observed TLEs in the 2018 Taiwan campaign, this project will analyze the associated meteorological conditions and their recorded lightning. That also includes the statistical/case investigation on the regional area for lightning/TLEs trends reacting to severe weather conditions. That will help us clarify their cause and effect relationship and enhance our understanding of future trends or climate change for our atmospheric electric environments.
Effective start/end date1/08/2231/10/23


  • Transient luminous events
  • lightning
  • thunderstorm


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