Project Details
The Manila subduction zone connects both Taiwan and thePhilippines, its earthquake potential and the possibleresulted tsunamis closely relate to the human life of bothcountries. The Philippine Fault, on the other hand, is oneof the major strike-slip faults in the world, its creepinglocked fault behavior has important implications on faultproperties and the resulted earthquake potential to theother strike-slip faults in the world and the LongitudinalValley Fault in eastern Taiwan. We plan to use thebroadband seismometers and geodetic techniques to monitorthe earthquake activities and assess the earthquakepotential along the Manila subduction zone and thePhilippine Fault. This project includes five subproposals.1. Seismic monitoring and hazard assessment for Luzon andTaiwan. Using waveform stacking technique, we understoodthe Pn velocity structure. We also realized the seismogenicsource characteristics of 1990 M 7.8 earthquake in Luzon.2. Deployments of broadband linear array in central Luzonand ZLand array in Mindoro. The rupture progresses and sliphistories of four Mw > 6.3 earthquake events betweenOctober and December 2019 were evaluated using finite faultmodel. 3. Crustal deformation in Luzon and tsunami hazardassessment in Luzon and Taiwan. We used the collected GPSdata to calculate the ITRF2008 horizontal velocities inLuzon, which were used to investigate the fault coupling atManila subduction zone. The tsunami hazard caused by theManila trench was estimated in this study. 4. Creepingsegment of the Philippine fault and its seismic hazardassessment. We collected GNSS data from 16 stations andinfer that the relative velocity across the Philippinefault in Leyte Island is around 20-30 mm/yr. The InSAR datawas also adopted to derive the coseismic source model of202 Masbate earthquake. 5. GPS observations and earthquakepotential of central Philippine Fault. The interseismicvelocities in central Philippine fault were evaluated usingthe GPS data from 1997 to 2013 and from 2015 to 2019. Theslip deficit rate of 13.2 mm/yr was derived using 2D blockmodel. If the 2003 Mw 6.2 Masbate earthquake is the maximummagnitude on the Masbate segment of Philippine fault, therecurrence interval is around 94 years.
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 1/12/20 → 31/10/21 |
UN Sustainable Development Goals
In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This project contributes towards the following SDG(s):
- Manila trench
- Philippine fault
- seismic monitoring
- crustal deformation
- tsunami early warning
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