
Project Details


FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2 (F7C2), which was launched in June 2019, is a constellation with six satellites. As the satellites’ mission payload, the tri-GNSS radio occultation system (TGRS) onboard F7C2 provides about 4,000 neutral atmospheric profiles every day, covering the latitudinal range of ±50°. Atmospheric parameters such as temperature, water vapor pressure, and refractivity, are included in the wetPf2 dataset from the surface to 60 km altitude. The dense observations enable us to research the morphologies of some atmospheric phenomena. Therefore, we propose this 3-year project regarding three atmospheric topics: the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL), the atmospheric melting layer (ML), and atmospheric rivers (AR). The climatology of the ABL is studied in the first year. In the following (second) year, the main purpose of the project is to understand the spatio-temporal properties of ML height. The possible impacts of the ocean-atmospheric condition on the ML and precipitation will also be investigated. ARs and the spatio-temporal properties of atmospheric gravity waves (AGWs) excited by ARs will be studied in the third year. Finally, we will discuss those applications of the F7C2 wetPf2 dataset, and the conclusions of this project will be made.
Effective start/end date1/08/2231/10/23


  • wetPf2 data
  • atmospheric boundary layer
  • temperature inversion
  • melting layer
  • atmospheric river
  • atmospheric gravity waves


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