Project Details
Ozone (O3) is a criteria air pollutant in the troposphere and powerful oxidant thatdamages cellular tissue along our respiratory tract and in plants. O3 is also agreenhouse gas that is responsible for ~12% of the anthropogenic globalwarming since 1750. Unlike other criteria air pollutants that have major primaryemission sources, O3 is entirely a secondary pollutant and has a complicatednon-linear dependence on its chemical precursors. While some areas of theworld have had limited success in controlling tropospheric ozone levels, it isprojected to increase in concentration with future climate change, particularly inSoutheast Asia (SEA), thus adding another layer of complexity to the task ofdesigning air pollution mitigation strategies. In addition to local urban pollution,SEA is also intimately affected by biomass burning from both the peninsular andinsular portions of the region and by severe haze pollution from East Asia, thusmaking SEA a unique incubator for tropospheric ozone studies. As an islandnation in SEA, Taiwan is exposed to varied pollution sources, but has a表CM02 計畫主持人:王家麟 申請條碼編號:112WFA0710002 共 3 頁 第 1 頁sophisticated network of air quality monitoring stations, which can tracktransported components of the O3 budget. Nevertheless, questions still remainas to the fraction of locally produced O3 in Taiwan, which is crucial to nail downfor mapping ozone mitigation strategies while moving forward through theprojected climate change. Furthermore, other parts of SEA mostly have lesssophisticated air quality monitoring networks and are desperate for how to designtheir ozone mitigation strategies; in this regard, Taiwan can be an ideal rolemodel for these other SEA countries.The aim of this work is to comprehensively resolve the unknowns surroundinglocal ozone production in Taiwan and optimize the design of ozone mitigationstrategies that can be adapted for other SEA countries. We will (i) develop anovel instrument (based on a design from our French collaborators) thatmeasures in-situ ambient ozone production rates and then we will conduct fieldbasedmeasurements of this rate for comparing to the rate of increase in theozone mixing ratio, thus teasing out the transported ozone component, and (ii)laboratory-based studies, where we generate past, present, and projectedpolluted SEA air sample matrices and adjust ozone precursor levels whiletracking the ozone production rate. Furthermore, we will utilize a chemicaltransport model (CTM) as a reference for what current ozone mitigationmeasures are based on; differences in the modelled and measured ozone levelsand production rates will then direct further laboratory studies. Including ambientand laboratory measurements along with supporting CTM simulations, will allowus the flexibility to view a multitude of scenarios that wouldn’t be possible if wewere only measuring ozone concentrations (i.e. instead of also measuring ozoneproduction rates), only conducting field measurements, or only runningsimulations of these scenarios. Thus, this trove of precisely measured andmodelled ozone production scenarios will provide the tools for a comprehensiveassessment of the ozone mitigation strategies in Taiwan and lay the foundation toexpand this methodology to other polluted environments.
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 1/01/23 → 31/12/23 |
UN Sustainable Development Goals
In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This project contributes towards the following SDG(s):
- Air pollution; Tropospheric ozone; Photochemical production
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