Project Details
Passive isolation system is one of the common structural control techniques usedto enhance the performance of structures/equipment subjected to severeearthquake excitations. By adding a flexible isolator under the equipment, thefundamental natural period of the passive isolation system can be extended toavoid devastating seismic impact. Relevant academic research and practicalapplications have proved that a well-designed passive isolation system caneffectively reduce the absolute acceleration of the equipment and protect theequipment from damage due to earthquake loading. However, passive isolationsystem has non-stationary optimal damping for different seismic forces, and theisolation layer has to avoid moving when subject to non-seismic force. Thepassive isolation systems are often designed with a larger friction damping whichreduced the performance and robustness of the passive isolation system.Especially for small-to-medium earthquakes, the restriction of the seismicisolation layer causes the isolation system to be unable to effectively isolate theseismic force. In view of this, this research aims to develop an active isolationsystem for equipment in high-tech factories. When an earthquake comes, themovement of the active isolation sliding table is controlled by an actuator, so that表CM02 計畫主持人:賴勇安申請條碼編號:111WFA0710302 共 2 頁第 1 頁the seismic impact can be isolated. In addition, this active isolation system canaccompany a passive isolator which is design to isolate micro-vibration. In orderto increase the performance and robustness of the active isolation system, thisresearch proposes the state extended state space representation method whichincludes physical states and digital filter states. Therefore, the base accelerationdirect integral feedback skyhook control law is developed. The active controlgains can then be optimized by direct output feedback and parameter iterationupdate method. Furthermore, the actuator applied for active isolation system canbe used for displacement or velocity control mode to overcome the influence ofundesired friction, thus the absolute acceleration of the equipment can becontrolled more effectively especially for small-to-medium earthquakes. Since thedeveloped control law takes into account the input of the excitation, the dampingratio of the active isolation system can be greatly improved by the control lawwithout affecting the isolation effect. Moreover, when the equipment is subjectedto external forces other than the base excitation, the seismic isolation layer canstill be effectively controlled. This study further considers to development a bidirectionalactive isolation system, and stroke protection control to avoid collisionfailures. The real-time hybrid simulation technology is also adopted, so that thedynamic characteristics of the active isolation system can then be fully analyzedand studied. This research is expected to provide an effective solution for hightechfactories to overcome earthquakes by the proposed active isolation system.
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 1/08/22 → 31/07/23 |
UN Sustainable Development Goals
In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This project contributes towards the following SDG(s):
- equipment seismic isolation system; active control; skyhook control algorithm; direct output feedback; stroke protection; shaking table experiment; hybrid simulation; earthquake engineering
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