亞洲大氣污染物之長程輸送與衝擊研究-第五期;參與國際 7SEAS 計畫--子計畫:氣膠輻射與混合效應於東亞區域氣候影響之分析

Project Details


The physical and chemical processes of formation, emission, transport and transformation of atmospheric pollutants including acid substances, regional haze, Asian dust, biomass burning and atmospheric mercury in Asian region are very complicated, resulting in impact on regional environment and climate. Taiwan is also influenced by such impact in direct and indirect ways. Therefore, this proposed study Phase V (2015/8-2018/7) will continue legacy of the Phases I (2003/8-2006/7), II (2006/8-2009/7), III (2009/8-2012/7) and IV (2012/8-2015/7), and further to integrate ground-based measurements, remote sensing observation, climatic dynamic analysis, and model simulation in order to analyze the physiochemical processes during the long-range transport of above atmospheric pollutants, and further to assess their impact on regional climate.
Effective start/end date1/08/1531/07/16


  • Climate change
  • Satellite remote sensing
  • Optical property
  • Aerosol mixing effect
  • Mixingweight
  • Dust-Soot aggregate-Sulfate mixture


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