Calculated based on number of publications stored in Pure and citations from Scopus
1972 …2024

Research activity per year


Search results

  • 2007

    Amino acids formed from the UV/EUV irradiation of inorganic ices of astrophysical interest

    Nuevo, M., Chen, Y. J., Yih, T. S., Ip, W. H., Fung, H. S., Cheng, C. Y., Tsai, H. R. & Wu, C. Y. R., 2007, In: Advances in Space Research. 40, 11, p. 1628-1633 6 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    24 Scopus citations
  • A multiband study of the optically dark GRB 051028

    Urata, Y., Huang, K. Y., Kuo, P. H., Ip, W. H., Qiu, Y., Masuno, K., Tashiro, M., Abe, K., Onda, K., Kodaka, N., Kuwahara, M., Tamagawa, T., Usui, F., Ioka, K., Lee, Y. H., Wei, J., Deng, J., Zheng, W. & Makishima, K., 2007, In: Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan. 59, 4, p. L29-L33

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    10 Scopus citations
  • A spectrophotometric study of the COMA of COMET C/2001 A2 (LINEAR)

    Lin, Z. Y., Chang, C. P. & Ip, W. H., May 2007, In: Astronomical Journal. 133, 5, p. 1861-1867 7 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    4 Scopus citations
  • Carbamic acid produced by the UV/EUV irradiation of interstellar ice analogs

    Chen, Y. J., Nuevo, M., Hsieh, J. M., Yih, T. S., Sun, W. H., Ip, W. H., Fung, H. S., Chiang, S. Y., Lee, Y. Y., Chen, J. M. & Wu, C. Y. R., Mar 2007, In: Astronomy and Astrophysics. 464, 1, p. 253-257 5 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    43 Scopus citations
  • Cometary water expansion velocity from OH line shapes

    Tseng, W. L., Bockelée-Morvan, D., Crovisier, J., Colom, P. & Ip, W. H., May 2007, In: Astronomy and Astrophysics. 467, 2, p. 729-735 7 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    35 Scopus citations
  • Continuum and line emissions from the galactic ridge and clusters: Problems of interpretation and ways of solution

    Dogiel, V. A., Masai, K., Ko, C. M., Kuo, P. H., Hwang, C. Y. & Ip, W. H., 2007, In: Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement. 169, p. 131-135 5 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Extensive multiband study of the X-ray rich GRB 050408: A likely off-axis event with an intense energy injection

    De Ugarte Postigo, A., Fatkhullin, T. A., Jóhannesson, G., Gorosabel, J., Sokolov, V. V., Castro-Tirado, A. J., Balega, Y. Y., Spiridonova, O. I., Jelínek, M., Guziy, S., Pérez-Ramírez, D., Hjorth, J., Laursen, P., Bersier, D., Pandey, S. B., Bremer, M., Monfardini, A., Huang, K. Y., Urata, Y. & Ip, W. H. & 23 others, Tamagawa, T., Kinoshita, D., Mizuno, T., Arai, Y., Yamagishi, H., Soyano, T., Usui, F., Tashiro, M., Abe, K., Onda, K., Aslan, Z., Khamitov, I., Ozisik, T., Kiziloglu, U., Bikmaev, I., Sakhibullin, N., Burenin, R., Pavlinsky, M., Sunyaev, R., Bhattacharya, D., Kamble, A. P., Chandra, C. H. I. & Trushkin, S. A., Feb 2007, In: Astronomy and Astrophysics. 462, 3, p. L57-L60

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    31 Scopus citations
  • Imaging polarimetry of Comet 9P/Tempel before and after the Deep Impact

    Furusho, R., Ikeda, Y., Kinoshita, D., Ip, W. H., Kawakita, H., Kasuga, T., Sato, Y., Lin, H. C., Chang, M. S., Lin, Z. Y. & Watanabe, J. I., Oct 2007, In: Icarus. 190, 2, p. 454-458 5 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    22 Scopus citations
  • In-situ acceleration of subrelativistic electrons in the Coma halo and the halo's influence on the Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect

    Dogiel, V. A., Colafrancesco, S., Ko, C. M., Kuo, P. H., Hwang, C. Y., Ip, W. H., Birkinshaw, M. & Prokhorov, D. A., Jan 2007, In: Astronomy and Astrophysics. 461, 2, p. 433-443 11 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    29 Scopus citations
  • Light emission of sputtered particles induced by ion bombardment on water-enriched molecular ices

    Lee, C. S., Ip, W., Liu, S. H., Hsu, G. Y. & Lee, S., Mar 2007, In: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. 256, 2, p. 626-630 5 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    2 Scopus citations
  • MIRO: Microwave instrument for Rosetta orbiter

    Gulkis, S., Frerking, M., Crovisier, J., Beaudin, G., Hartogh, P., Encrenaz, P., Koch, T., Kahn, C., Salinas, Y., Nowicki, R., Irigoyen, R., Janssen, M., Stek, P., Hofstadter, M., Allen, M., Backus, C., Kamp, L., Jarchow, C., Steinmetz, E. & Deschamps, A. & 13 others, Krieg, J., Gheudin, M., Bockelée-Morvan, D., Biver, N., Encrenaz, T., Despois, D., Ip, W., Lellouch, E., Mann, I., Muhleman, D., Rauer, H., Schloerb, P. & Spilker, T., May 2007, In: Space Science Reviews. 128, 1-4, p. 561-597 37 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    186 Scopus citations
  • Multicolor shallow decay and chromatic breaks in the GRB 050319 optical afterglow

    Huang, K. Y., Urata, Y., Kuo, P. H., Ip, W. H., Ioka, K., Aoki, T., Chen, C. W., Chen, W. P., Isogai, M., Lin, H. C., Makishima, K., Mito, H., Miyata, T., Nakada, Y., Nishiura, S., Onda, K., Qiu, Y., Soyano, T., Tamagawa, T. & Tarusawa, K. & 2 others, Tashiro, M. & Yoshioka, T., 1 Jan 2007, In: Astrophysical Journal. 654, 1 II, p. L25-L28

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    40 Scopus citations
  • Observations of Comet 9P/Tempel 1 around the Deep Impact event by the OSIRIS cameras onboard Rosetta

    Keller, H. U., Küppers, M., Fornasier, S., Gutiérrez, P. J., Hviid, S. F., Jorda, L., Knollenberg, J., Lowry, S. C., Rengel, M., Bertini, I., Cremonese, G., Ip, W. H., Koschny, D., Kramm, R., Kührt, E., Lara, L. M., Sierks, H., Thomas, N., Barbieri, C. & Lamy, P. & 19 others, Rickman, H., Rodrigo, R., A'Hearn, M. F., Angrilli, F., Barucci, M. A., Bertaux, J. L., da Deppo, V., Davidsson, B. J. R., de Cecco, M., Debei, S., Fulle, M., Gliem, F., Groussin, O., Lopez Moreno, J. J., Marzari, F., Naletto, G., Sabau, L., Sanz Andrés, A. & Wenzel, K. P., 2007, In: Icarus. 191, 2 SUPPL., p. 241-257 17 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    14 Scopus citations
  • Observations of Comet 9P/Tempel 1 around the Deep Impact event by the OSIRIS cameras onboard Rosetta

    Keller, H. U., Küppers, M., Fornasier, S., Gutiérrez, P. J., Hviid, S. F., Jorda, L., Knollenberg, J., Lowry, S. C., Rengel, M., Bertini, I., Cremonese, G., Ip, W. H., Koschny, D., Kramm, R., Kührt, E., Lara, L. M., Sierks, H., Thomas, N., Barbieri, C. & Lamy, P. & 19 others, Rickman, H., Rodrigo, R., A'Hearn, M. F., Angrilli, F., Barucci, M. A., Bertaux, J. L., da Deppo, V., Davidsson, B. J. R., de Cecco, M., Debei, S., Fulle, M., Gliem, F., Groussin, O., Lopez Moreno, J. J., Marzari, F., Naletto, G., Sabau, L., Sanz Andrés, A. & Wenzel, K. P., Mar 2007, In: Icarus. 187, 1, p. 87-103 17 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    25 Scopus citations
  • Observations of dwarf planet (136199) Eris and other large TNOs on Lulin Observatory

    Lin, H. W., Wu, Y. L. & Ip, W. H., 2007, In: Advances in Space Research. 40, 2, p. 238-243 6 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    9 Scopus citations
  • OSIRIS - The scientific camera system onboard Rosetta

    Keller, H. U., Barbieri, C., Lamy, P., Rickman, H., Rodrigo, R., Wenzel, K. P., Sierks, H., A'Hearn, M. F., Angrilli, F., Angulo, M., Bailey, M. E., Barthol, P., Barucci, M. A., Bertaux, J. L., Bianchini, G., Boit, J. L., Brown, V., Burns, J. A., Büttner, I. & Castro, J. M. & 49 others, Cremonese, G., Curdt, W., Da Deppo, V., Debei, S., De Cecco, M., Dohlen, K., Fornasier, S., Fulle, M., Germerott, D., Gliem, F., Guizzo, G. P., Hviid, S. F., Ip, W. H., Jorda, L., Koschny, D., Kramm, J. R., Kührt, E., Küppers, M., Lara, L. M., Llebaria, A., López, A., López-Jimenez, A., López-Moreno, J., Meller, R., Michalik, H., Michelena, M. D., Müller, R., Naletto, G., Origné, A., Parzianello, G., Pertile, M., Quintana, C., Ragazzoni, R., Ramous, P., Reiche, K. U., Reina, M., Rodríguez, J., Rousset, G., Sabau, L., Sanz, A., Sivan, J. P., Stöckner, K., Tabero, J., Telljohann, U., Thomas, N., Timon, V., Tomasch, G., Wittrock, T. & Zaccariotto, M., May 2007, In: Space Science Reviews. 128, 1-4, p. 433-506 74 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    307 Scopus citations
  • Photometry and imaging of comet C/2004 Q2 (Machholz) at Lulin and la Silla

    Lin, Z. Y., Weiler, M., Rauer, H. & Ip, W. H., Jul 2007, In: Astronomy and Astrophysics. 469, 2, p. 771-776 6 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    17 Scopus citations
  • Remote sensing of a comet at millimeter and submillimeter wavelengths from an orbiting spacecraft

    Gulkis, S., Allen, M., Backus, C., Beaudin, G., Biver, N., Bockelée-Morvan, D., Crovisier, J., Despois, D., Encrenaz, P., Frerking, M., Hofstadter, M., Hartogh, P., Ip, W., Janssen, M., Kamp, L., Koch, T., Lellouch, E., Mann, I., Muhleman, D. & Rauer, H. & 2 others, Schloerb, P. & Spilker, T., Jun 2007, In: Planetary and Space Science. 55, 9, p. 1050-1057 8 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    29 Scopus citations
  • Rosetta Radio Science Investigations (RSI)

    Pätzold, M., Häusler, B., Aksnes, K., Anderson, J. D., Asmar, S. W., Barriot, J. P., Bird, M. K., Boehnhardt, H., Eidel, W., Grün, E., Ip, W. H., Marouf, E., Morley, T., Neubauer, F. M., Rickman, H., Thomas, N., Tsurutani, B. T., Wallis, M. K., Wickramasinghe, N. C. & Mysen, E. & 12 others, Olson, O., Remus, S., Tellmann, S., Andert, T., Carone, L., Fels, M., Stanzel, C., Audenrieth-Kersten, I., Gahr, A., Müller, A. L., Stupar, D. & Walter, C., May 2007, In: Space Science Reviews. 128, 1-4, p. 599-627 29 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    42 Scopus citations
  • Testing the external-shock model of gamma-ray bursts using the late-time simultaneous optical and X-ray afterglows

    Urata, Y., Yamazaki, R., Sakamoto, T., Huang, K., Zheng, W., Sato, G., Aoki, T., Deng, J., Ioka, K., Ip, W. H., Kawabata, K. S., Lee, Y., Liping, X., Mito, H., Miyata, T., Nakada, Y., Ohsugi, T., Qiu, Y., Soyano, T. & Tarusawa, K. & 4 others, Tashiro, M., Uemura, M., Wei, J. & Yamashita, T., 2007, In: Astrophysical Journal. 668, 2 PART 2, p. L95-L98

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    21 Scopus citations
  • Very early multicolor observations of the plateau phase of the GRB 041006 afterglow

    Urata, Y., Huang, K. Y., Qiu, Y. L., Hu, J., Kuo, P. H., Tamagawa, T., Ip, W. H., Kinoshita, D., Fukushi, H., Isogai, M., Miyata, T., Nakada, Y., Aoki, T., Soyano, T., Tarusawa, K., Mito, H., Onda, K., Ibrahimov, M., Pozanenko, A. & Makishima, K., 1 Feb 2007, In: Astrophysical Journal. 655, 2 II, p. L81-L84

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    13 Scopus citations
  • Virtis: An imaging spectrometer for the Rosetta mission

    Coradini, A., Capaccioni, F., Drossart, P., Arnold, G., Ammannito, E., Angrilli, F., Barucci, A., Bellucci, G., Benkhoff, J., Bianchini, G., Bibring, J. P., Blecka, M., Bockelee-Morvan, D., Capria, M. T., Carlson, R., Carsenty, U., Cerroni, P., Colangeli, L., Combes, M. & Combi, M. & 25 others, Crovisier, J., Desanctis, M. C., Encrenaz, E. T., Erard, S., Federico, C., Filacchione, G., Fink, U., Fonti, S., Formisano, V., Ip, W. H., Jaumann, R., Kuehrt, E., Langevin, Y., Magni, G., McCord, T., Mennella, V., Mottola, S., Neukum, G., Palumbo, P., Piccioni, G., Rauer, H., Saggin, B., Schmitt, B., Tiphene, D. & Tozzi, G., May 2007, In: Space Science Reviews. 128, 1-4, p. 529-559 31 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    172 Scopus citations
  • 2006

    Automated search for gravitational lensing arcs and interacting galaxies in the red sequence survey

    Chiang, P. S., Chen, S. Y., Ip, W. & Chen, W. P., Aug 2006, In: Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union. 2, S235, p. 194 1 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Cassini ion and neutral mass spectrometer: Enceladus plume composition and structure

    Waite, J. H., Combi, M. R., Ip, W. H., Cravens, T. E., McNutt, R. L., Kasprzak, W., Yelle, R., Luhmann, J., Niemann, H., Gell, D., Magee, B., Fletcher, G., Lunine, J. & Tseng, W. L., 10 Mar 2006, In: Science. 311, 5766, p. 1419-1422 4 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    561 Scopus citations
  • Composition of Titan's ionosphere

    Cravens, T. E., Robertson, I. P., Waite, J. H., Yelle, R. V., Kasprzak, W. T., Keller, C. N., Ledvina, S. A., Niemann, H. B., Luhmann, J. G., McNutt, R. L., Ip, W. H., De La Haye, V., Mueller-Wodarg, I., Wahlund, J. E., Anicich, V. G. & Vuitton, V., 16 Apr 2006, In: Geophysical Research Letters. 33, 7, L07105.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    190 Scopus citations
  • Evidence for a binary origin of the young planetary nebula hubble 12

    Hsia, C. H., Ip, W. H. & Li, J. Z., Jun 2006, In: Astronomical Journal. 131, 6, p. 3040-3046 7 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    19 Scopus citations
  • Formation of Saturn's ring spokes by lightning-induced electron beams

    Jones, G. H., Krupp, N., Krüger, H., Roussos, E., Ip, W. H., Mitchell, D. G., Krimigis, S. M., Woch, J., Lagg, A., Fränz, M., Dougherty, M. K., Arridge, C. S. & McAndrews, H. J., Nov 2006, In: Geophysical Research Letters. 33, 21, L21202.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    22 Scopus citations
  • On a ring origin of the equatorial ridge of Iapetus

    Ip, W. H., 1 Aug 2006, In: Geophysical Research Letters. 33, 16, L16203.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    38 Scopus citations
  • Optical afterglows detected by the Lulin One-meter Telescope

    Huang, K. Y., Urata, Y., Kuo, P. H., Lee, Y. H., Ip, W. H., Tamagawa, T., Onda, K., Tashiro, M., Qiu, Y. & Makishima, K., Dec 2006, In: Nuovo Cimento della Societa Italiana di Fisica B. 121, 12, p. 1489-1490 2 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  • Optical shallow decay and re-brightening phase of early afterglow

    Urata, Y., Huang, K. Y., Ip, W. H., Hu, J., Qiu, Y., Kuo, P. H., Li, Y. H., Tamagawa, T., Tashiro, M., Onda, K., Abe, K., Ioka, K., Kuwahara, M., Zheng, W. K., Zhai, M., Wei, J. Y., Deng, J. S., Kodaka, N. & Masuno, K., Dec 2006, In: Nuovo Cimento della Societa Italiana di Fisica B. 121, 12, p. 1601-1603 3 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  • When do internal shocks end and external shocks begin? Early-time broadband modeling of GRB 051111

    Butler, N. R., Li, W., Perley, D., Huang, K. Y., Urata, Y., Prochaska, J. X., Bloom, J. S., Filippenko, A. V., Foley, R. J., Kocevski, D., Chen, H. W., Qiu, Y., Kuo, P. H., Huang, F. Y., Ip, W. H., Tamagawa, T., Onda, K., Tashiro, M., Makishima, K. & Nishihara, S. & 1 others, Sarugaku, Y., 1 Dec 2006, In: Astrophysical Journal. 652, 2 I, p. 1390-1399 10 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    33 Scopus citations
  • 2005

    A large dust/ice ratio in the nucleus of comet 9P/Tempel 1

    Küppers, M., Bertini, I., Fornasier, S., Gutierrez, P. J., Hviid, S. F., Jorda, L., Keller, H. U., Knollenberg, J., Koschny, D., Kramm, R., Lara, L. M., Sierks, H., Thomas, N., Barbieri, C., Lamy, P., Rickman, H., Rodrigo, R., A'Hearn, M. F., Angrilli, F. & Bailey, M. E. & 21 others, Barthol, P., Barucci, M. A., Bertaux, J. L., Burns, J. A., Cremonese, G., Curdt, W., De Cecco, M., Debei, S., Fulle, M., Gliem, F., Ip, W. H., Kührt, E., Llebaria, A., Lopez Moreno, J. J., Marzari, F., Naletto, G., Sabau, L., Sanz Andrés, A., Sivan, J. P., Tondello, G. & Wenzel, K. P., 13 Oct 2005, In: Nature. 437, 7061, p. 987-990 4 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    133 Scopus citations
  • An update on the ring exosphere and plasma disc of Saturn

    Ip, W. H., 16 Jul 2005, In: Geophysical Research Letters. 32, 13, p. 1-3 3 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    17 Scopus citations
  • A redshift determination of the host galaxy

    Urata, Y., Yoshida, A., Yamada, T., Kosugi, G., Totani, T., Komiyama, Y., Kobayashi, N., Tamagawa, T., Kawai, N., Takata, T., Mizumoto, Y., Huang, K. Y., Ip, W. H. & Makishima, K., 2005, In: Nuovo Cimento della Societa Italiana di Fisica C. 28, 4-5, p. 697-700 4 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  • Deep Impact: Observation from a worldwide earth-based campaign

    Meech, K. J., Ageorges, N., A'Hearn, M. F., Arpigny, C., Ates, A., Aycock, J., Bagnulo, S., Bailey, J., Barber, R., Barrera, L., Barrena, R., Bauer, J. M., Belton, M. J. S., Bensch, F., Bhattacharya, B., Biver, N., Blake, G., Bockelée-Morvan, D., Boehnhardt, H. & Bonev, B. P. & 189 others, Bonev, T., Buie, M. W., Burton, M. G., Butner, H. M., Cabanac, R., Campbell, R., Campins, H., Capria, M. T., Carroll, T., Chaffee, F., Charnley, S. B., Cleis, R., Coates, A., Cochran, A., Colom, P., Conrad, A., Coulson, I. M., Crovisier, J., DeBuizer, J., Dekany, R., De Léon, J., Dello Russo, N., Delsanti, A., DiSanti, M., Drummond, J., Dundon, L., Etzel, P. B., Farnham, T. L., Feldman, P., Fernández, Y. R., Filipovic, M. D., Fisher, S., Fitzsimmons, A., Fong, D., Fugate, R., Fujiwara, H., Fujiyoshi, T., Furusho, R., Fuse, T., Gibb, E., Groussin, O., Gulkis, S., Gurwell, M., Hadamcik, E., Hainaut, O., Harker, D., Harrington, D., Harwit, M., Hasegawa, S., Hergenrother, C. W., Hirst, P., Hodapp, K., Honda, M., Howell, E. S., Hutsemékers, D., Iono, O., Ip, W. H., Jackson, W., Jehin, E., Jiang, Z. J., Jones, G. H., Jones, P. A., Kadono, T., Kamath, U. W., Käufl, H. U., Kasuga, T., Kawakita, H., Kelley, M. S., Kerber, F., Kidger, M., Kinoshita, D., Knight, M., Lara, L., Larson, S. M., Lederer, S., Lee, C. F., Levasseur-Regourd, A. C., Li, J. Y., Li, Q. S., Licandro, J., Lin, Z. Y., Lisse, C. M., LoCurto, G., Lovell, A. J., Lowry, S. C., Lyke, J., Lynch, D., Ma, J., Magee-Sauer, K., Maheswar, G., Manfroid, J., Marco, O., Martin, P., Melnick, G., Miller, S., Miyata, T., Moriarty-Schieven, G. H., Moskovitz, N., Mueller, B. E. A., Mumma, M. J., Muneer, S., Neufeld, D. A., Ootsubo, T., Osip, D., Pandea, S. K., Pantin, E., Paterno-Mahler, R., Patten, B., Penprase, B. E., Peck, A., Petitas, G., Pinilla-Alonso, N., Pittichova, J., Pompei, E., Prabhu, T. P., Qi, C., Rao, R., Rauer, H., Reitsema, H., Rodgers, S. D., Rodriguez, P., Ruane, R., Ruch, G., Rujopakarn, W., Sahu, D. K., Sako, S., Sakon, I., Samarasinha, N., Sarkissian, J. M., Saviane, I., Schirmer, M., Schultz, P., Schulz, R., Seitzer, P., Sekiguchi, T., Selman, F., Serra-Ricart, M., Sharp, R., Snell, R. L., Snodgrass, C., Stallard, T., Stecklein, G., Sterken, C., Stüwe, J. A., Sugita, S., Sumner, M., Suntzeff, N., Swaters, R., Takakuwa, S., Takato, N., Thomas-Osip, J., Thompson, E., Tokunaga, A. T., Tozzi, G. P., Tran, H., Troy, M., Trujillo, C., Van Cleve, J., Vasundhara, R., Vazquez, R., Vilas, F., Villanueva, G., Von Braun, K., Vora, P., Wainscoat, R. J., Walsh, K., Watanabe, J., Weaver, H. A., Weaver, W., Weiler, M., Weissman, P. R., Welsh, W. F., Wilner, D., Wolk, S., Womack, M., Wooden, D., Woodney, L. M., Woodward, C., Wu, Z. Y., Wu, J. H., Yamashita, T., Yang, B., Yang, Y. B., Yokogawa, S., Zook, A. C., Zauderer, A., Zhao, X., Zhou, X. & Zucconi, J. M., 14 Oct 2005, In: Science. 310, 5746, p. 265-269 5 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    177 Scopus citations
  • Discovery of 13 new variable stars in the field of the open cluster NGC 2168 (M35)

    Hu, J. H., Ip, W. H., Zhang, X. B., Jiang, Z. J., Ma, J. & Zhou, X., 20 Aug 2005, In: Chinese Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics. 5, 4, p. 356-362 7 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    6 Scopus citations
  • Dynamics of Saturn's magnetosphere from MIMI during Cassini's orbital insertion

    Kmigis, S. M., Mitchell, D. G., Hamilton, D. C., Krupp, N., Livi, S., Roelof, E. C., Dandouras, J., Armstrong, T. P., Mauk, B. H., Paranicas, C., Brandt, P. C., Bolton, S., Cheng, A. F., Choo, T., Gloeckler, G., Hayes, J., Hsieh, K. C., Ip, W. H., Jaskulek, S. & Keath, E. P. & 12 others, Kirsch, E., Kusterer, M., Lagg, A., Lanzerotti, L. J., LaVallee, D., Manweiler, J., McEntire, R. W., Rasmuss, W., Saur, J., Turner, F. S., Williams, D. J. & Woch, J., 25 Feb 2005, In: Science. 307, 5713, p. 1270-1273 4 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    155 Scopus citations
  • GRB follow-up observations in the East-Asian region

    Urata, Y., Huang, K. Y., Ip, W. H., Qiu, Y., Hu, J. Y., Zhou, X. N., Tamagawa, T., Onda, K. & Makishima, K., 2005, In: Nuovo Cimento della Societa Italiana di Fisica C. 28, 4-5, p. 775-778 4 p.

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    13 Scopus citations
  • GRBs Optical follow-up observation at Lulin observatory, Taiwan

    Huang, K. Y., Urata, Y., Ip, W. H., Tamagawa, T., Onda, K. & Makishima, K., 2005, In: Nuovo Cimento della Societa Italiana di Fisica C. 28, 4-5, p. 731-734 4 p.

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    5 Scopus citations
  • Ion Neutral Mass Spectrometer results from the first flyby of Titan

    Waite, J. H., Niemann, H., Yelle, R. V., Kasprzak, W. T., Cravens, T. E., Luhmann, J. G., McNutt, R. L., Ip, W. H., Gell, D., De La Haye, V., Müller-Wordag, I., Magee, B., Borggren, N., Ledvina, S., Fletcher, G., Walter, E., Miller, R., Scherer, S., Thorpe, R. & Xu, J. & 2 others, Block, B. & Arnett, K., 13 May 2005, In: Science. 308, 5724, p. 982-986 5 p.

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    382 Scopus citations
  • Low energy electron microsignatures at the orbit of Tethys: Cassini MIMI/LEMMS observations

    Roussos, E., Krupp, N., Woch, J., Lagg, A., Jones, G. H., Paranicas, C., Mitchell, D. G., Livi, S., Krimigis, S. M., Dougherty, M. K., Armstrong, T., Ip, W. H. & Motschmann, U., 28 Dec 2005, In: Geophysical Research Letters. 32, 24, p. 1-4 4 p.

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    26 Scopus citations
  • Optical afterglow observations of the unusual short-duration gamma-ray burst GRB 040924

    Huang, K. Y., Urata, Y., Filippenko, A. V., Hu, J. H., Ip, W. H., Kuo, P. H., Li, W., Lin, H. C., Lin, Z. Y., Makishima, K., Onda, K., Qlu, Y. & Tamagawa, T., 1 Aug 2005, In: Astrophysical Journal. 628, 2 II, p. L93-L96

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    30 Scopus citations
  • Oxygen ions observed near Saturn's A ring

    Waite, J. H., Cravens, T. E., Ip, W. H., Kasprzak, W. T., Luhmann, J. G., McNutt, R. L., Niemann, H. B., Yelle, R. V., Mueller-Wodarg, I., Ledvina, S. A. & Scherer, S., 25 Feb 2005, In: Science. 307, 5713, p. 1260-1262 3 p.

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    54 Scopus citations
  • Subaru telescope observations of Deep Impact

    Sugita, S., Ootsubo, T., Kadono, T., Honda, M., Sako, S., Miyata, T., Sakon, I., Yamashita, T., Kawakita, H., Fujiwara, H., Fujiyoshi, T., Takato, N., Fuse, T., Watanabe, J., Furusho, R., Hasegawa, S., Kasuga, T., Sekiguchi, T., Kinoshita, D. & Meech, K. J. & 3 others, Wooden, D. H., Ip, W. H. & A'Hearn, M. F., 14 Oct 2005, In: Science. 310, 5746, p. 274-278 5 p.

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    100 Scopus citations
  • The measurement of sputtering yields and spectrum of mass and optical emission of sputtered particles induced by ion bombardment of H2O ice

    Lee, C. S., Chueh, M. C., Liu, Y. C., Hsu, C. Y., Liu, S. H., Ip, W. H. & Lee, S., Oct 2005, In: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. 240, 1-2, p. 345-349 5 p.

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    1 Scopus citations
  • Titan's ionosphere: Model comparisons with Cassini Ta data

    Cravens, T. E., Robertson, I. P., Clark, J., Wahlund, J. E., Waite, J. H., Ledvina, S. A., Niemann, H. B., Yelle, R. V., Kasprzak, W. T., Luhmann, J. G., McNutt, R. L., Ip, W. H., De La Haye, V., Müller-Wodarg, I., Young, D. T. & Coates, A. J., 28 Jun 2005, In: Geophysical Research Letters. 32, 12, p. 1-5 5 p.

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    66 Scopus citations
  • 2004

    A shape-and-density model of the putative binary EKBO 2001 QG298

    Takahashi, S. & Wing-Huen, I. P., 2004, In: Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan. 56, 6, p. 1099-1103 5 p.

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    17 Scopus citations
  • Magnetosphere Imaging Instrument (MIMI) on the Cassini mission to Saturn/Titan

    Krimigis, S. M., Mitchell, D. G., Hamilton, D. C., Livi, S., Dandouras, J., Jaskulek, S., Armstrong, T. P., Boldt, J. D., Cheng, A. F., Gloeckler, G., Hayes, J. R., Hsieh, K. C., Ip, W. H., Keath, E. P., Kirsch, E., Krupp, N., Lanzerotti, L. J., Lundgren, R., Mauk, B. H. & McEntire, R. W. & 5 others, Roelof, E. C., Schlemm, C. E., Tossman, B. E., Wilken, B. & Williams, D. J., Dec 2004, In: Space Science Reviews. 114, 1-4, p. 233-329 97 p.

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    384 Scopus citations
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    Cremonese, G., Capria, M. T., Achilli, V., Angrilli, F., Baggio, P., Barbieri, C., Baumgardner, J., Bistacchi, N., Capaccioni, F., Caporali, A., Casanova, I., De Bei, S., Forlani, G., Fornasier, S., Hunten, D., Ip, W. H., Lazzarin, M., Longhi, I., Marinangeli, L. & Marzari, F. & 15 others, Massironi, M., Masson, P., Mendillo, M., Pain, B., Preti, G., Ragazzoni, R., Raitala, J., Salemi, G., Sgavetti, M., Sprague, A., Suetta, E., Tordi, M., Verani, S., Wilson, J. K. & Wilson, L., 2004, In: Advances in Space Research. 33, 12, p. 2182-2188 7 p.

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    2 Scopus citations
  • Mercury's Birkeland current system

    Ip, W. H. & Kopp, A., 2004, In: Advances in Space Research. 33, 12, p. 2172-2175 4 p.

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    15 Scopus citations