Projects per year
- 250 - 300 out of 337 results
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Service Management Mechanisms Based on Network Function Vi Rtualization and Service Function Chaining in Sdn Networks(3/3)
Chou, L.-D. (PI)
1/08/17 → 31/07/18
Project: Research
A Study on Music Emotion Recognition Based on Deep Learning
Wang, J.-C. (PI)
1/08/17 → 28/02/18
Project: Research
An Intelligent and Learning-Based Method for Automatic Iris Segmentation
Li, Y.-H. (PI)
1/08/17 → 31/07/18
Project: Research
An Adaptive Traffic Flow Analysis Scheme Based on Scene-Specific Sample Collection and Training
Su, P.-C. (PI)
1/08/17 → 31/07/18
Project: Research
Development of a Web-Based Automatic Analysis System to Analyze Correlations between a Disease and Cancers, Air Pollutants and Cancers(1/2)
Horng, J.-T. (PI)
1/08/17 → 31/07/18
Project: Research
The Research of Applying Big Data to Improving Moocs Learning Analytics:An Empirical Study of College Calculus(1/3)
Yang, S. J. H. (PI)
1/08/17 → 31/07/18
Project: Research
Personal Identity Authentication System Incorporating Depth Information Using Dual Camera
Fan, K.-C. (PI)
1/08/17 → 31/07/18
Project: Research
Development of Brain-Wave Recognition Technique Using Wearable Training Device(1/3)
Su, P.-C. (PI)
1/08/17 → 31/07/18
Project: Research
A Study on Blind Source Separation and Speech Enhancement(3/3)
Wang, J.-C. (PI)
1/08/17 → 31/07/18
Project: Research
Apply 3d Debugging Visualization Tool Xdiva in Eda Software Industry
Cheng, Y.-P. (PI)
1/08/17 → 31/08/18
Project: Research
Asteroid Track Candidate Construction by Distributed Sequential Pattern Mining on Large Astronomical Dataset
Tsai, M.-F. (PI)
1/08/17 → 31/07/18
Project: Research
A Visualized Three-Dimensional Atmospheric and Oceanic Battlefield Intelligence Platform
Su, M.-C. (PI)
1/01/17 → 31/12/17
Project: Research
Research and Development of Human-Computer Interaction System for Vi Rtual Environment Based on Set of Screens and Depth Sensors(1/3)
Shih, K. (PI)
1/01/17 → 31/12/17
Project: Research
Interdisciplinary EECS engineering education curriculum implementation and application(1/3)
Chang, C.-H. (PI)
1/12/16 → 30/11/17
Project: Research
Providing better abstraction and modular support at language-level for applications in scientific computing domain(1/2)
Zhuang, Y.-Y. (PI)
1/11/16 → 31/10/17
Project: Research
Deep recommendation: investigating and applying deep learning on recommender systems
Chen, H.-H. (PI)
1/10/16 → 31/12/17
Project: Research
The Cyber-Physical Smart Factory of Electronic Parts and Components Manufacturing( I )
Jiang, J.-R. (PI)
1/10/16 → 31/10/17
Project: Research
Algorithmic Study of High Performance Structured Light 3D Scan and Its Embedded System Design
Chen, C.-H. (PI)
1/08/16 → 31/07/17
Project: Research
Automatic event analysis, prediction, and retrieval on intelligent vehicle event data recorders(1/2)
Cheng, H.-Y. (PI)
1/08/16 → 31/07/17
Project: Research
Using Depth Information for 3d Chinese Signature Verification and Chinese Character Feature Extraction(2/3)
Fan, K.-C. (PI)
1/08/16 → 31/07/17
Project: Research
An Automatic Recommendation System for Student Class Study and Major/Career Planning(1/3)
Shih, K. (PI)
1/08/16 → 31/07/17
Project: Research
Service Management Mechanisms Based on Network Function Vi Rtualization and Service Function Chaining in Sdn Networks(2/3)
Chou, L.-D. (PI)
1/08/16 → 31/07/17
Project: Research
Development of machine reading techniques for biomedical documents.(1/3)
Tsai, T.-H. (PI)
1/08/16 → 31/07/17
Project: Research
Detecting Malicious Rogue APs at Public Hotspots(1/3)
Hsu, F.-H. (PI)
1/08/16 → 31/07/17
Project: Research
Iris Recognition System for Ducks Identity Recognition based on Probabilistic Graphical Models
Li, Y.-H. (PI)
1/08/16 → 31/07/17
Project: Research
The Development of Kinect-based Rehabilitation Systems(2/2)
Su, M.-C. (PI)
1/08/16 → 31/07/17
Project: Research
Visual Following Vehicles Repeating The Guider’s Trajectory(2/2)
Tseng, D.
1/08/16 → 10/09/17
Project: Research
Improved Local Significance Aware Image/Video Retargeting and Quality Evaluation
Su, P.-C. (PI)
1/08/16 → 31/08/17
Project: Research
xDIVA - 3D Debugging Visualization by Visual Mapping Language
Cheng, Y.-P. (PI)
1/08/16 → 31/07/17
Project: Research
A Study on Blind Source Separation and Speech Enhancement(2/3)
Wang, J.-C. (PI)
1/08/16 → 31/07/17
Project: Research
Cross-language Article Linking for Multiple Encyclopedias Based on Bilingual Topic Models(2/3)
Tsai, T.-H. (PI)
1/08/16 → 31/07/17
Project: Research
Software Defined Industrial Internet of Things for Cloud-based Cyber-Physical Systems in Smart Factories
Jiang, J.-R. (PI)
1/08/16 → 31/07/17
Project: Research
Automatic 3D Construction of Virtual Puppets for Real-Time Drama Performance
Shih, K. (PI)
1/08/16 → 31/07/17
Project: Research