This dataset contains supplementary files uploaded as part of the above journal article. 5 sub-datasets have been uploaded separately. The first sub-dataset contains the peak delay times data. A few records contain negative peak delay times due to change in waveform shape from filtering, these were excluded during further calculations. The other 4 sub-datasets contain files as well as the script to generate the results of Δlog tp , κ, εparam and P(ml ) as shown in figures 7, 8, 9 and 10 respectively of the main article. Sub-Dataset S1: File “ds01.csv” contains the list of peak delay times (tp ) in 2-4 Hz, 4-8 Hz, 8-16 Hz and 16-32 Hz bands for the waveforms used in this study. The columns in the file represent origin time (in year-month-day’T’hour:minute:seconds.microseconds format), event latitude, event longitude, event depth, station code, station latitude, station longitude, tp in 2-4 Hz, tp in 4- 8 Hz, tp in 8-16 Hz and tp in 16-32 Hz in a sequential manner. Sub-Dataset S2: File “” contains four text files (nodes_24e.txt, nodes_48e.txt, and nodes_816e.txt) and one GMT (Generic Mapping Tools) script file (plot_final_comb.gmt) written in BASH. The text files contain Δlog tp values in 2-4 Hz, 4-8 Hz and 8-16 Hz bands respectively. The columns in the text files represent node index, node latitude, node longitude, node depth and Δlog tp value in a sequential manner. The GMT script uses GSHHG coastline data which is freely available for download from . Once downloaded and extracted its path can be added to the variable “GDIR” at the beginning of the script. The GMT script file can be run to see the spatial distribution of Δlog t p using GMT-5 (Wessel et al., 2013) and above. Sub-Dataset S3: File “” contains four text files (kappa_f10.txt, kappa_f30.txt, kappa_f50.txt, kappa_f70.txt) and one GMT script file (inv_kappa.gmt) written in BASH. The text files contain κ values for 0-20 km, 20-40 km, 40-60 km and 60-80 km range respectively. The columns in the text files represent node latitude, node longitude and κ value of the node sequentially. This GMT script also uses GSHHG coastline data whose path can be added to the script, same as in data set S2 case. The GMT script file can be run to see the spatial distribution of κ using GMT-5 (Wessel et al., 2013) and above. Sub-Dataset S4: File “” contains four text files (aetal_f10.txt, aetal_f30.txt, aetal_f50.txt, aetal_f70.txt) and one GMT script file (inv_aetal.gmt) written in BASH. The text files contain εparam values for 0-20 km, 20-40 km, 40-60 km and 60-80 km range respectively. The columns in the text files represent node latitude, node longitude and εparam value of the node sequentially. This GMT script also uses GSHHG coastline data whose path can be added to the script, same as in data set S2 case. The GMT script file can be run to see the spatial distribution of εparam using GMT-5 (Wessel et al., 2013) and above. Sub-Dataset S5: File “” contains four text files (psdf_f10.txt, psdf_f30.txt, psdf_f50.txt, psdf_f70.txt) and one GMT script file (inv_psdf.gmt) written in BASH. The text files contain psdf (P(ml )) values for 0-20 km, 20-40 km, 40-60 km and 60-80 km range respectively. The columns in the text files represent node latitude, node longitude and P(ml ) value of the node sequentially. This GMT script also uses GSHHG coastline data whose path can be added to the script, same as in data set S2 case. The GMT script file can be run to see the spatial distribution of P(ml ) using GMT-5 (Wessel et al., 2013) and above.
Date made available | 8 Oct 2019 |
Publisher | Zenodo |