Additional file 3 of On data reduction methods for volcanic tremor characterization: the 2012 eruption of Copahue volcano, Southern Andes

  • Alberto Caselli (Contributor)
  • K. I. Konstantinou (Contributor)
  • Ivan Melchor (Contributor)
  • Roberto Carniel (Contributor)
  • Marcia Hantusch (Contributor)
  • Javier Almendros (Contributor)



Additional file 3. Permutation entropy test. Normalized permutation entropy for 48 hr of data using different values of n, τand window lengths ts in minutes. All figures were also normalized by their respective maximum value. In n = 7 plots, 1-minute window (red) is not considered since the minimum number of data samples to compute h is n!.
Date made available1 Jan 2020
Publisherfigshare Academic Research System

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